The XXXIX edition of the Baja España Aragón has shown part of its roadmap, which will see the light of day on 21 and 22 July. The official presentation, which took place at the headquarters of the Government of Aragon in Teruel, was attended by Mr. Arturo Aliaga, Vice President of the Government of Aragon and Minister of Industry, Competitiveness and Business Development of the Government of Aragon.
Also present were Manuel Rando, President of the Provincial Council of Teruel, Diego Piñeiro, Deputy of Culture and Tourism of the Provincial Council of Teruel, Emma Buj, Mayoress of Teruel, Juan Esteve, Director of Institutional Relations of the Royal Spanish Automobile Federation, Xavier Bartrolí, President of Octagon Esedos.
The Baja España Aragón will run for the tenth consecutive year through part of the province of Teruel, making its way through the regions of Jiloca and Teruel and Albarracín. This 2023 edition will have two days of competition and will run through 30 municipalities after the modification of the planned programme due to the early calling of general elections. “It is a showcase for our land of opportunities,” said Manuel Rando.
The prologue for bikes and cars and the first timed stage of the event will take place on Friday. Subsequently, on Saturday, the main part of the competition will take place with the participation of all the categories (cars, trucks, quads, motorbikes, trial).
The Baja España Aragón will once again be the only Spanish event that counts towards the FIA Cross Country Lowland World Cup and the FIM Lowland World Cup. Two main international competitions to which we have to add its qualification for the Spanish Off-Road Rally Championship. “A city like Teruel competes with strong countries like Qatar or Saudi Arabia and has managed to establish itself as the best event in the World Cup”, explained Arturo Aliaga.