The XXXIX edition of Baja España Aragón will be held from 21st to 23rd July in Teruel and will once again be the only Spanish event that counts towards the FIA World Cup of Cross Country Lowland Rallies. Once again this year, this event is also part of the FIM World Cup calendar for motorbikes and also for the Spanish Off-Road Rally Championship.
The International Automobile Federation (FIA) has once again backed the event in Teruel as the fourth race in the competition after the Baja Saudi Arabia (2-4 February), the Baja Qatar International (16-18 March) and the Baja Italia (6-9 July).
For its part, the FIM has included the Baja España as the fourth race of the World Cup after the Baja Saudi Arabia, the Baja Qatar and the other Spanish race of the event, the Baja Dehesa Extremadura.
As for the Spanish Off-Road Rally Championship calendar, the Baja España will be the fourth event of the season after the Rally Jaén Mar de Olivos, the Baja Dehesa Extremadura and the Baja Lorca-Ciudad del Sol.
One of the main novelties in the 2023 edition is the recovery of the prologue stage for cars that will take place on Friday and that will be added to the motorbike stage that will also be held on the same day. Both categories, bikes and cars, will take part in the same special stage that will serve as an aperitif for the two subsequent days of competition on Saturday and Sunday.
In addition, the Trail category, the big novelty for the 2022 edition, will once again be included, in response to a growing demand for this type of motorbike in rally-raid competitions.
Over the next few weeks more details of this XXXIX edition of the Baja España Aragón will be revealed through the website (www.bajaaragon.com) and the RRSS.